Edward Grandi

Sleep and the trucking industry

Grandi meets with truckers.

Mike Lawing, Powerful Patient

Joyce Graff, Powerful Patient

Joyce and Mike speak with Edward Grandi about Sleep Apnea.

Grandi, the former executive director of the American Sleep Apnea Association, is a nationally and internationally invited speaker in the field of sleep medicine to patient and professional groups. He has been praised in particular for his work raising awareness of the importance of sleep among drivers in the transportation industry, and highlighting the particular importance of sleep for women.

For more information on getting a diagnosis and on treatment options, see http://sleepapnea.org/

Here is another good article on the potential dangers of sleep apnea.  As we learn more, we understand that it’s not just about snoring and sleep loss.  Sleep apnea is implicated in a number of medical and emotional issues.

20 Scary Sleep Disorders That’ll Totally Freak You Out!