Janet Cromer
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Janet Cromer has a good idea of what astronaut Mark Kelly and his wife, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords have ahead of them, as Giffords recovers from being shot in January. “My husband, Alan, suffered a severe brain injury as the result of a heart attack and cardiac arrest,” said Janet Cromer, a career nurse and healthcare writer who specializes in brain injury. “Mark is going to have a dual role as spouse and caregiver and he is going to be as much a part – if not more – of his wife’s recovery as any doctor working on her case.”

Cromer is author of the book “Professor Cromer Learns to Read: A Couple’s New Life after Brain Injury”, a chronicle of how she tended to her husband’s recovery, and how it affected them in terms of both their emotional health and their physical health, as well as their marriage. Her 35 years in the healthcare field, along with her personal journey as wife and caregiver, led her to create this book, with tips for helping a brain injury victim learn how to read, write and think again. Janet Cromer speaks with Joyce on the Powerful Patient and will take questions from the audience.

Janet’s webpage can be found at: www.janetcromer.com