Drink your Fruits and Veggies!

Powerful Patient, 2008 Week 39

Joyce Graff, host, on webtalkradio.net


Jill Ayn Schneider

Jill Ayn Schneider

Beginning September 22, 2008

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Jill Ayn Schneider tells us how to prepare juices from fruit and vegetables, making the nutrients immediately available to our bodies.  Jill cured herself of cancer in 1975, and has been working with others since then to optimize their health.


About Our Guest


Jill Ayn Schneider, Director of the Circle of Life Holistic Programs in Florida, is a proponent of juicing, juice fasting and detoxification.


In 1975 Jill was diagnosed with cervical cancer.  Against medical advice, she refused treatment and undertook a macrobiotic diet, and a program of yoga, meditation, exercise, and breathing.  She quit her stressful job working as an activity counselor with the mentally ill, and went traveling in Venezuela and Peru. Four months later, back in Miami, she tested negative for all cancer.  In 1977, she gave birth to her son, Aaron, now 30. 


Over the past thirty years she has developed her skills as a juice fasting coach, bodyworker, licensed massage therapist, yoga instructor, musician, and singer-songwriter.  She has written an e-book about her challenge with cancer, and a CD of healing songs, Romancing Life: An Alternative to Cancer.  She is a frequent contributor to several magazines on complementary therapies.



About Juicing


While many interesting juices are now on the market, the nutritional value of prepared juices drops nearly half within the first ten minutes after its preparation.  Pasteurization, used to ensure that bacteria do not grow during storage, also kills essential enzymes.  The best solution is to prepare juice yourself at home, and consume it within the first ten minutes after preparation.  You can drink more vegetables than you can eat.  And besides, freshly prepared juices taste great!


Jill suggests to start: Add one juice a day, before dinner.  This will help to take the edge off your appetite so that you eat less at dinner. 


Note that pasteurization is not innately bad.  It is necessary for safely extending shelf life.  But it’s a trade-off, and has its price.  If you want to avoid pasteurization and gain the nutritional value of those essential enzymes, then you need to prepare and consume food quickly yourself, or make sure the suppliers of products like raw milk have handled it correctly and quickly from manufacture to you.  Such foods will have a much shorter shelf life and must be stored carefully in your home, and consumed within the recommended timeframe in order to be safe from bacterial contamination.       

Suggested Recipes


Don’t feel bound to these recipes, use them as suggestions.  Play with combinations, and find what feels best for you.


Smooothie – make in the blender
½ cup blueberries
½ cup raspberries
½ cup plain yogurt
1 tbsp raw honey
1 tbsp raw almond butter


Fruit – make in the blender or juicer
Include a small amount of the white part
In the blender, remove all or most of the seeds, and strain the juice
In the juicer, the juicer will separate out the seeds


Beet Juice – wash and put into the juicer
2 medium beets (trimmed and scrubbed, but not peeled)
2 medium apples (remove core and seeds, but leave the skin)
** beets, carrots, and applies are naturally sweet.  Note too that beets will turn the urine or feces red, so don’t panic! Observe how quickly the beets go through your digestion.


Vegetable Juice – make in a juicer
4 small carrots
2 stalks celery
½ small beet
½ cucumber
1 apple
1 handful of spinach or parsley
1 tomato

Wash all vegetables before processing, preferably with a citrus-based veggie wash.
Conventionally grown cucumbers should be peeled to remove waxes.


Other recipes may be found at:


About Juicers


In addition to the juicingbook.com website, there are several websites that provide comparisons and reviews of juicers.  Search for “find juicers”



About Juice Fasting


You should not embark on a juice fast without some reading, preparation, and coaching.  Jill suggests the book Juice Fasting and Detoxification by Steve Meyerowitz