Sleep disturbance and cancer treatment
Powerful Patient, 2010 Week 31
Host: Joyce Graff, http://powerfulpatient.org, editor@vhl.org 800-767-4845
Sleep disturbances are a common complaint in head and neck cancer patients and have been shown to decrease quality of life. A recent University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center study shows that this may be due to increased symptoms of pain and dry mouth related to radiation treatments. Reducing these factors could be warranted to improve sleep hygiene and essentially enhance quality of life. Joyce talks with the study author, Dr. Sonia Duffy, Ph.D., R.N., professor of nursing at the U-M School of Nursing and otolaryngology.
To read more, see: University of Michigan press release.
To read full text of paper, see: Predictors of Poor Sleep Quality Among Head
and Neck Cancer Patients