Jeff Hulett, Church Health Center, Memphis

Jeff Hulett outside Church Health Center, Memphis

Robin Martinez, Powerful Patient

Joyce Graff, Powerful Patient

In the United States we are privileged to have some of the best medical care facilities in the world, and some of the most talented physicians. But not everyone in the United States is able to access these services. What we are working to improve through the Affordable Care Act (ACA, sometimes referred to as Obamacare) is access to that care, and moving from a system that focuses on fixing medical problems, to a system and a mindset that focuses on PREVENTING medical problems.

Memphis, Tennessee, is an interesting case in point. In Memphis, some 20% of the population has incomes below the poverty line, and a very high percentage among the “working poor.” Some qualify for Medicaid, but many do not. People who are uninsured or “under-insured” often find themselves in need of medical care that they cannot afford. One serious illness or automobile accident can easily bankrupt the household.

Church Health Center has worked for many years to help fill the gaps in health care in Memphis. Robin and Joyce speak with Jeff Hulett of Church Health Center about their work. With the Affordable Care Act of 2010 their role is changing, but their work is by no means done. See more at