Tracy Zervakis

Mike Lawing, Powerful Patient

Joyce Graff, Powerful Patient

In order to maintain privacy and confidentiality, there are rules of access to Electronic Health Records (EHR) that can sometimes present barriers to delivering the best care.

Tracy Zervakis and her daughter recently had quite an adventure trying to get the right medicine at the right time, and ran into several roadblocks imposed by the access rules around EHR at her hospital.

While it sounds like a good idea to restrict access to those with a “need to know,” in practice it sometimes get in the way. Perhaps we need to re-think those rules, not only for the events in a peaceful day at the office, but also in an emergency.

Joyce and Mike speak with Tracy about her adventure and about ideas for improving the flow of medical information to patients, to emergency personnel, and to all those who really do “need to know” in order to deliver the right care at the right time.