Author: JoyceGraff

Quiet all that negative self-talk and get on with it!

Joyce talks with Greg Winick about his new book, “I Told My Mind To Shut The [bleep] Up! … and then I saw what was possible.” The book chronicles his own journey from panic to clear thinking and survival.

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Healthcare Improvement through Kaizen

Kaizen refers to philosophy or practices that focus upon continuous improvement of processes in manufacturing, engineering, and business management. In their new book, Mark Graban and Joseph Swartz propose the implementation of Kaizen in Healthcare. Through the empowerment of employees to reduce waste and improve safety, they feel that leaders in healthcare can effectively and efficiently deliver quality and safety with improved outcomes and change our healthcare for the better.

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Managing Fibroids Without Hysterectomy

Dr. Stanley West believes that with earlier diagnosis and with the use of less drastic treatments, it should be possible to avoid hysterectomies in most cases. Joyce and Julie speak with Dr. West about the fibroids that occur in the general population, as well as those that occur because of a genetic condition, Hereditary Leiomyomatosis and Renal Cell Cancer, HLRCC. Julie is co-chair of the HLRCC Family Alliance.

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Should I go to a conference about my disease?

Joyce speaks with two people who attended the VHL Conference in Houston in June 2011: Michelle from Texas and Sue from Tennessee. For Michelle, it was her first such meeting. In addition to the expense and time commitment of going to a conference about your disease, there are always emotional barriers to cross — Will it be a downer? Will I be upset? Will the people I meet be so sick I will be terrified? Will I understand what is being said? Both Michelle and Sue found it very empowering to attend the meeting, meet others on the same journey, and learn strategies for managing their health.

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