Category: End of Life issues

Lessons from Mark and Forrest

Mike Lawing shares his thoughts about life, risk factors, and our different vulnerabilities to cancers and other diseases such as mesothelioma.

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Advice for Caregivers

Viki Kind, a medical ethicist and hospice volunteer who specializes in medical ethics, talks with Joyce about her book, The Caregiver’s Path To Compassionate Decision Making: Making Choices For Those Who Can’t (Home Nursing Caring). Over 5 million people in the United States have Alzheimers, and many more have lost or will lose their ability to decide through strokes, brain injuries, mental illness and developmental disabilities. One in four people will need someone else to decide for them as they face the end of their life. Many are now making or will be in the future making decisions for a loved one, or need that service ourselves.

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