Lisa Dwoskin and Metamorphasize

Lisa with her partner


Mike Lawing, Powerful Patient

Joyce Graff, Powerful Patient

Mike and Joyce speak with Lisa Dwoskin about fitness. And don’t worry, as a former gym owner she believes that the WORST way to get in shape is to join a gym!

How many people think, “If only I could lose the weight then I would finally be happy” … but the obsession with winning the perfect body is a recipe for misery and disappointment.

  • 1 in 4 people make the same resolutions every year…and still fail to achieve them. The awful truth is almost everyone who tries to get into shape self-sabotages. Why? They only focus on the body and not the mind.
  • 73% Of Folks Who Set Fitness Goals As New Year’s Resolutions…Give Them Up Example: If you are addicted to junk food, the problem is only partially physical. The craving for junk food starts in the mind…and can only be dealt with by working with the mind first.
  • 13% of people lie about going to the Gym

It’s the shame of feeling like a “failure” or “hopelessly behind” in health which ruins peoples results.
By taking a different approach and learning to accept oneself first. Only then is total mind and body health possible.

Lisa Dwoskin was a long time fitness correspondent on NBC 6 South Flordia–for the the Rick Sanchez show. Lisa was also a competitive bodybuilder, fitness competitor and gym owner.

Lisa Dwoskin devoted her life to chasing the perfect body, but found this quest—had drastic negative sideeffects–to both her health and personal life: Lisa had to make a major change.

Besides writing Metamorphecise, Lisa now trains select private clients.