Deb Hogan
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We all have fears and insecurities as well as strengths and resilience. The trick is to keep them in balance.

We speak with Deb Hogan, of Walk Out of Worry Ministries. Locked in fear for many years, she has grown through her fear to learn to manage her health. In addition, through her very beautiful music and her faith, she has reached out to others to help them also Walk Out of Worry.

From the Mailbag, we received a question from Simon, who has recently been diagnosed with a complex medical condition, involving tumors of the brain, eye, and kidney. “This is all very confusing… I keep wondering whether I can expect to live to a normal age in relatively good health, or should I maybe be planning my life differently to deal with a lower age expectancy???”

We asked Dr. Gary L. Wood of Wood & Associates to comment on this question. He and Deb outline some strategies for acknowledging and reducing fear, and dealing realistically with a problem through knowledge, logic, and skills you can develop yourself.


Deb Hogan lives with her husband and two daughters in Massachusetts. A physical therapist by training, she is also a leader in her church. She integrates beautiful music into her life and ministry. She is the head of Walk Out of Worry Ministries,

Gary L. Wood, Psy.D., founder of the Wood & Associates consulting practice, is a pioneer in the field of Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services. Since 1979, his practice has centered on providing solutions to employee and organizational problems. His vision of “caring for the people who take care of your company” has resulted in professional services that help employers maintain their most important asset – the people. In the last 15 years, Gary and his team have turned their attention to organizational leadership/executive development and human resource management solutions, assisting its clients in managing employee stress and conflict. Gary is a licensed clinical psychologist, a member of The National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology, and a graduate of Rutgers University, West Georgia College and Mercer University.


You can obtain a copy of Deb Hogan’s CD at For a donation of $150 or more to the VHL Family Alliance, you can request a free copy of this CD as your thank-you gift.

Dr. Wood recommends the following list for further reading and self-study to help you manage your fears:

  • David H. Barlow and Michelle G. Craske, Mastery of Your Anxiety and Worry: Workbook
  • David D. Burns, The Feeling Good Handbook
  • Albert Ellis, A Guide to Rational Living
  • Martin Seligman, Learned Optimism
  • Martin Seligman, Authentic Happiness (


This program includes three cuts from the CD Forever In His Care, from Turning Point Records for Walk Out of Worry Ministries,

  • “Who Am I?” by Nathan and Christy Nockels (1997 Rocketown Music). Vocals: Deb Hogan and David Coate; Acoustic Guitar, Keyboard, and Percussion programming: David Goate
  • “Forever in His Care” by Randall Dennis (1987 Birdwing Music). Vocals: Deb Hogan; Keyboard: Derelyn Kahler
  • “When I Am Afraid” by Frank Hernandez (1990 Birdwing Music). Vocals: Jessica Hogan and Deb Hogan; Keyboard programming: David Coate