Alex Lickerman, MD

The Undefeated Mind

Alex Lickerman, MD

Alex Lickerman, MD

Mike Lawing, Powerful Patient

In his book, The Undefeated Mind, physician Alex Lickerman argues that resilience isn’t something with which only a fortunate few of us have been born, but rather something we can all take action to develop.

He offers a set of guidelines not for solving problems but for establishing a life state that makes all problems solvable. The Undefeated Mind details nine principles we can all use to dramatically increase our ability to withstand adversity, exhorting us to stop hoping for easy lives and instead to focus on cultivating the inner strength we need to enjoy the difficult lives we all have.

Among other things, he focuses on why patients do not always follow the instructions of their physician. What is about us that makes us say “yes” and then not do it? How can patients and doctors change this?

He shares his philosophy that all people are endowed with the innate ability to create value out of any situation, no matter how awful or tragic. Unlike the idea that every cloud has a silver lining—that something positive can always be found in everything negative—the principle of changing poison into medicine explains that we can transform even the most horrific tragedy into the very thing we need to become happier than we currently are.

“It’s a powerful book that helps you cultivate your inner strength to face hard times with a fearless heart. It’s more than a book. It’s a set of tools for life.” — J. D. Meier

The book is THE UNDEFEATED MIND: On the Science of Constructing an Indestructible Self. See