Empowering people with complex medical conditions and disabilities.

Do you feel helpless in the face of “the system?” We are here to help you learn how to take control and steer your way to health. Hear how others have met these challenges and overcome them. Learn how you can do so too. Share your experiences, ask your questions, and learn how to create and manage your health care team. Make the healthcare system work for you!

Managing the System

Virtual Summit focuses on Better Education for Children with Disabilities – Oct 25

The Rotary Club of World Disability Advocacy proudly sponsors a virtual, free, all-day Inclusive Education. This international Summit is on Saturday, October 26, 2024. This event is dedicated to improving the education of children with disabilities and will feature...

Then and Now – VHL Alliance in 1994 and 2021

Members of the 1994 Board of Directors of the VHL Alliance meet with Chandra Clark, current Executive Director, and Heidi Leone, Director of Advancement.

Teaching Visually Impaired Students in Public Schools

Arlene Hernandez, a retired TVI, talks with Joyce about the joys and challenges of teaching visually handicapped students in the public schools.

Kaelin wins a Nobel Prize!

Harvard doctor among trio of scientists jointly awarded Nobel Prize in medicine for their work identifying how cells adapt to changes in oxygen levels.

Cancer Biology and Dr. Copland’s Lab

Cancer is a complex disease, and no one knows this better than Dr. John “Al” Copland, who has made cancer research his life’s work.

Access and Care for People with Disabilities

The US’s disability social safety net is profoundly broken, says Anna Landry, a handicapped student at Georgetown University.

Kidney Cancer patient experience in North Carolina

Conversation with Ann and Chris about their experiences

Myeloma Patient Rockstar: Cindy Chmielewski

We learn some interesting things about multiple myeloma.

Rebecca Esparza campaigns for Ovarian Cancer

Rebecca speaks for all women with ovarian cancer, including those taken from us too soon.

Fighting Colorectal Cancer by understanding your risk factors

Wenora Johnson shares her story — surviving cancer 3 times, she is passionate about understanding your biomarkers.

Susie Brain, a survivor of breast cancer, works with researchers to find a cure

Susie Brain speaks with Mike, Robin and Joyce about her work as a survivor and advocate with breast cancer.

Colorado hosts 25th Annual VHL Family Conference

I was privileged to attend the 25th Annual VHL Family Conference in Colorado this past weekend.  It was a wonderful meeting.  Kudos to Dr. Nicholas Cost and the University of Colorado for their teamwork in serving people with VHL.

Exploring Your Genome

Max McCoy speaks with Joyce about his recent personal adventure, exploring the depths of his own genome — an ongoing adventure worthy of some of his fictional heroes, with unexpected twists and turns, sometimes more information than you know what to do with.

Managing Small Renal Masses – Patient Survey

Debra Gottsleben and KCCure surveyed patients with benign renal masses and reported findings to the American Urological Association.

Managing Your Health

Breathing Problems? Consider SubGlottic Stenosis (SGS)

Catherine Anderson has prepared a Rough Guide for patients to help with SubGlottic Stenosis (SGS), or scar tissue in the trachea constraining breathing.

Understanding and Managing Post Polio Syndrome

Ina Pinkney, the Breakfast Queen of Chicago, joins Joyce Graff to speak about Post Polio Syndrome, which can impact someone who survived polio.

Talking with Joyce Graff

Host Harvey Bravman focuses on her work with Powerful Patient, empowering people to partner with their health care providers and manage their own health.

International Kidney Cancer Coalition (IKCC)

Meet Marta Szulc (say "Shultz")Marta Szulc First Ever Executive Director IKCCClinical Trials information Graphics make it easy to understandGlobal network of patient support organizationsWorld Kidney Cancer Day June 17, 2021 Be sure to create your own Personalized...

Why We Do the Things We Do

Bob Raleigh talks about his research into why we do the things we do. He describes how doctors and counselors can shape their messages in order to be heard.

COVID-19 and Participatory Medicine

Author Michael Millenson speaks with us about how people with complex medical conditions need to work with their doctors to manage the risks of COVID-19.

CDC Guidelines for Fully Vaccinated People

Dolly Parton gets vaccinated against COVID-19 at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville.Kareem Abdul-Jabbar NBA Hall-of-Famer gets vaccinated. "We need to learn new ways to keep each other safe."Everyone who is medically eligible should get...

World Cancer Day: effects of COVID-19 on cancer patients

On World Cancer Day 4 Feb, GCCN is hosting an online event to examine the effects of COVID-19 on cancer communities and the innovative strategies that help.

Wellness and Resilience through Integrated Health

Dr. Daniel Monti speaks with Joyce Graff and Megan Conley about his new book, Tapestry of Health, providing guidance on supporting your own wellness and resilience.

Clinical Trials in the time of COVID-19

Joyce and Robin speak with Dr. David Gerber of UTSW about the changes that have been made to keep clinical trials going and patients safe during the COVID emergency.

Managing Your Life

Finding Fulfillment in Giving Back to Others

Sofiia, Yulia, Ivan and JoyceDiana, Joyce, Yulia, and Ivan.Yulia made Ukrainian Borscht for many of the kind Rotarians who helped them.In December 2022 I received a message from Chicago.  Rotary International was looking for a contact for a Ukrainian family coming to...

Embracing Diversity in drug development

While this program is designed for members of the PSC community, it is a topic that is important to all rare diseases. PSC Partners is hosting a webinar on "Embracing Diversity in PSC: FDA Insights on the Role of Health Equity in Developing Treatments for Rare...

COVID-19 and Participatory Medicine

Author Michael Millenson speaks with us about how people with complex medical conditions need to work with their doctors to manage the risks of COVID-19.

Rare Disease Day Events

While horses are more common, zebra do exist. People with rare diseases deserve a diagnosis and fair access to care. Come and learn.

Wellness and Resilience through Integrated Health

Dr. Daniel Monti speaks with Joyce Graff and Megan Conley about his new book, Tapestry of Health, providing guidance on supporting your own wellness and resilience.

COVID: The Real Science

Five experts meet to discuss COVID-19, how to end a pandemic, and how to protect ourselves while it is with us: Masks, Testing, Vaccines, and keeping safe.

COVID Online Schooling for the Visually Impaired

Sue Buckley of Knoxville has been helping blind young people to gain the skills needed to succeed at online learning. Hints for parents and teachers.

Staying Sane in Quarantine

How to manage your stress in quarantine with the underlying conditions that were already there?

Coronavirus – the New Normal

Robin Martinez and Joyce Graff talk about the coronavirus and how to protect yourself in these exceptional times.

Mental Health and Destructive Behavior

Depression can lead to many dangers, including addiction, suicide, and various forms of self-harm.

Access and Care for People with Disabilities

The US’s disability social safety net is profoundly broken, says Anna Landry, a handicapped student at Georgetown University.

Susie Brain, a survivor of breast cancer, works with researchers to find a cure

Susie Brain speaks with Mike, Robin and Joyce about her work as a survivor and advocate with breast cancer.

Genes and your health

We here at Powerful Patient have a strong interest in family health history, and helping people and communities understand how genetic testing can improve health.

Awareness of Pancreatic Cancer
